Friday, April 16, 2004


When was the last time that I was in awe of God? The last time that He did something so awesome in my life that I had a reverent fear of Him? Well, to be honest, I can think of several times in the past month: the whole exchange between our new house and the renters (still praying for the old house to sell), an incredibly impactful Youth-led Good Friday service, and several moments in the basement with Autumn as she recounts to me visions and dreams she has been having during the night.

Dreams and visions? Yeah, really powerful, glorious visions of bright lights, Jesus, silky hands enshrouded in silky cloth, and people. Lots of people following her and Jesus. She was scared of these dreams at first, but after we talked about them and about what she thought they meant, she has now switched to more of a healthy respect for these dreams and she looks forward to more of them. Why? Because she knows they are from God. God is NOT scary but He can do some pretty amazingly scary-to-us things - including giving us some pretty intense dreams.

I have been in awe of how God is talking to Autumn and relating to her at her level. When she tells me each new dream, it usually brings me to tears. It seems as though God is really preparing her to evangelise. It makes me proud. It makes me fearful of the responsibility to raise them up to be lovers of God. It reminds me of how the disciples of Jesus were afraid many times, and that fear is one of the traits in their lives that made them good disciples.