Thursday, September 16, 2004


Yup, on my way to the office this morning I was pulled over for not having my licence plate displayed on the front side of my vehicle. The front licence plate holder had broken off one day on our low-clearance driveway (at our old E. Tallent driveway). Oh well, I have ten days to correct it before I get a "real" ticket.

Last night, we had an incredible post-See You @ the Pole Rally, as we teamed up with Bethel Assembly of God to celebrate what had happened through the prayers of the students that morning. Berry, Chris, Bill, and Stuart came to help with the worship. I threw together a quick video with Deanna's 1 minute and 40 seconds of footage, but I was disappointed by the final showing. My little laptop didn't have the display capabilities to make it run smooth. It ended up being pretty distorted.

Everything else went excellently. Pastor Greg and Pastor Deanna shared from their hearts, the worship took us into the throneroom of God, and the ministry time brought tears to student's and student leader's eyes alike. We all enthusiastically agreed that we should meet again.

Get this: there were over 70 kids at the rally! 36 of them were Elevate students and leaders! Wow!

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