Tuesday, April 06, 2004


Bella, our two-year-old daughter has been going around singing (sing-shouting?) "Jesus loves me, this I know..." a lot the past few weeks. She has been reminding me in a round-about way that this truth, that Jesus loves me, is something that I need evident in my life. If I can wrap my head, my thoughts, around the fact that Jesus loves me, then I have grabbed on to a significant truth that I know is absolute.

All of the other things that I am not as certain about, such as seemingly "unanswered prayers", hurts, and frustrations fall to the wayside when I realize that I can put my trust in God regardless of how I perceive things. My confusion and lack of total clarity in ALL things is not necessary. I know God wants to fill me in on His plans (and I am constantly learning how to better tune in to what He has to say), but I am okay with the questions that have yet to be answered. Like, the BIG QUESTIONS in my life right now: "How come the renters had to back out of their contract on our E. Tallent Street property?" "What will we do if the house doesn't sell?" "How will we be able to handle two mortgages?" These are my tough questions.

But do you know what? I believe that we covered our path in prayer and that God will not lead us astray. I have this strange feeling of hope and an inner sense of peace that I know can only come from God. If I looked at this situation in the natural, I would be falling to pieces. May God help me be satisfied in the time-being with the "not-knowing". Help me, Father, to learn to trust You even more.

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