Thursday, April 15, 2004



1) My wife
2) My family
3) Good music
4) A good dramatic movie
5) God speaking to me
6) God using teenagers
7) Calvary
8) Jesus' love for me
9) Praise and Worship
10) Loss

I guess I would say that I am a pretty emotional guy, in a very weird sort of way. I can lose my composure during the strangest of times (by being overwhelmed to the point of tears in either happiness, awe, or sadness). I lose it almost every time when I see teenagers worshipping God with all they have. I have a hard time holding back the tears at those emotional chick flick movies and I have also been known to laugh myself to tears when I find something particularly funny. Not everyone can say that.

On the other hand, sometimes I wish I could be more emotional. I do not have a "crazy", wild, spontaneous, energetic energy (energetic energy?) that some of my more outgoing sanguine friends have. Sometimes, it is easy for people to label me as stand-off'ish because I am somewhat of an introvert. My high points in the temperament tests are all in the melancholy and phlegmatic personality types. In other words, I am an artsy, laid back-type of person. I am creative, but in a quiet way - until I am given a stage - ha!

That can leave others flustered and confused. Today it is my prayer that God would use the good things about the emotional, creative side of me and chip away at the not-so-good. And even more so, my prayer is that God will open me up to share my pure emotions more freely with others - to not be scared of what other's think. Amen.

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