Friday, October 22, 2004


"Much is required from those to whom much is given, and much more is required from those to whom much more is given." Luke 12:48b (NLT)

I read the following great story in my devotional time today:

The young people that made up this "blue-collar" youth group were seething at their youth pastor as he stood in front of them, burning a twenty-dollar bill. Repeatedly, he would set fire to the bill, let a bit of it burn and then blow out the flame. Repeatedly, he would ask the question: "Is the bill still worth twenty-dollars?" The kids thought their youth pastor was crazy! They begged him to stop -- to give the money to them -- before it was too late and the bill was worthless. The students yelled in frustration as the money finally disappeared into ashes. Then, the youth pastor asked, "How many of you are treating the life God gave you in the same way?" The atmosphere of the group changed immediately as the kids fell into an introspective silence.

Wow! What a clincher! What am I doing with the life God gave me?

I actually found myself asking this question tonight after watching "!Hero, the Rock Opera" at the church. The story is a modern-day depiction of Jesus as if He were born in Bethlehem, PENNSYLVANIA... It moves me every time. The presentation itself was ten-years in the making. Eddie DeGarmo, the one who originated the concept, has been working long and hard to make this God-dream a reality.

What am I doing with my God-dreams? I know I have them... but am I thinking about them enough? Do I need to challenge my flesh and let go of myself more than I do? Probably. Lord, help me.

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