Tuesday, March 23, 2004


So, if Jesus came up to me and sat at my dinner table and said, "I've been taking a look at your life, and I'm really pleased so far. Based on the gifts I've given you and what I need done in the world, I think I'd like you to..." Hmmm... how would He finished the sentence?

"Disciples are more than just people who believe in Jesus - they're people who follow Him by listening to how they're made..." This is my favorite quote from today's devotional reading.

Psalm 139's use of the word "investigate" (in the Message translation) also really jumped out at me today. Verses 1 and 2 read, "GOD, investigate my life; get all the facts firsthand. I'm an open book to You; even from a distance, You know what I'm thinking."

Wow! Do I ever ask God to investigate my life? That's a pretty deep thought. Do I want Him to? Probably not every day, like I should, but I really do want Him to have free reign in my life. Part of that would involve a daily "investigation" of my life. It's not like He doesn't already know all about me - He created me and knows me fully, but it is the act of me making a conscious decision to "allow" Him in - to "allow" Him full access - to want to "cleaned up" and "efficient" for kingdom use.

To finish off Jesus' sentence at the dinner table... let me first start by writing down my "TOP 10 THINGS I DO BECAUSE THEY 'FEEL RIGHT'". Not just things that I enjoy, but things in my life that I feel naturally gifted for and are easily incorporated into my life. Things that bring me feelings of joy and accomplishment (that are essentially part of what God has put in the fiber of "me"):

1) Love my wife and family
2) Prepare biblical messages for ministering to youth
3) Read / study books, magazines, and web sites
4) Study pop culture
5) Listen to Music
6) Play, write, and arrange music
7) Write, journal, share my thoughts with others
8) Web design
9) Play / have fun
10) Relax

So, Jesus continues by saying, "...based on the gifts I've given you and what I need done in the world, I think I'd like you to bring to focus the things that you are already doing that I have called you to. Don't neglect your giftings. Make time to grow and mature in Me and in the abilities that I have given you. Write songs, write books, write sketches. Become more adamant about drawing out your creative skills. They are a reflection of My creativity. Don't settle for 2nd best, cheap imitations. Let Me be your inspiration."

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